#Ubuntu 如何使用 root 登入 #
# 完成修改 root 密碼
sudo passwd root
sudo -i
# How to install gnupg on Ubuntu #
# https://howtoinstall.co/en/gnupg #
# #
#Install gnupg
#Installing gnupg package on Ubuntu is as easy as running the following command on terminal:
sudo apt-get install gnupg
# How to install curl & net-tools #
# https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-install-curl-command-on-a-ubuntu-linux/ #
# #
sudo apt install curl
sudo apt install net-tools
# Install VMware tools on Ubuntu 22.04 step by step instructions #
sudo apt install open-vm-tools #UBUNTU 22.04 SERVER
sudo apt install open-vm-tools-desktop open-vm-tools #UBUNTU 22.04 DESKTOP
lsmod | grep vmw
#(x) How to Install RPM package directly on Ubuntu 22.04 #
# sudo apt install alien - y
# sudo alien -i firefox.rpm
# sudo dpkg -i firefox_78.4.1-2_amd64.deb
#(x) Ubuntu 中文顯示設定 #
sudo locale-gen zh_TW
sudo locale-gen zh_TW.UTF-8
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # 拉到最下面選 zh_TW.UTF8
sudo update-locale LANG="zh_TW.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="zh_TW"
# UBUNTU Static IP 設定 #
# 一般來說在安裝系統時如果有使用到網路,
# 在 /etc/netplan 目錄下就應該會有基本的
# 設定檔,若完全沒有任何設定檔,可以使用
# 以下指令自動產生預設的設定檔:
sudo netplan generate
# 網路介面設定檔
sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
sudo nano /etc/netplan/0-netcfg.yaml
version: 2
renderer: networkd # 選擇使用 networkd 網路 daemon
eno4: # 指定網路卡
addresses: [ ] # IP 位址與網路遮罩
gateway4: # 預設閘道
search: [ your.domain.tw ] # 搜尋網域
addresses: [, ] # DNS 伺服器
sudo netplan try
# Install Elasticsearch 8 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #
# #
# Elasticsearch : #
# 為所有類型的數據提供近乎實時的搜索和分析。 #
# 無論您擁有結構化或非結構化文本、數字數據還是 #
# 地理空間數據,Elasticsearch 都可以以支持快速 #
# 搜索的方式高效地存儲和索引這些數據。 #
# #
# 參考連結: https://www.fosstechnix.com/how-to-install-elasticsearch-8-on-ubuntu
## 先決條件
# 帶有 20.04/18.04/16.04 LTS 的 Ubuntu 服務器
# Java 8 或更高版本
# 2 個 CPU 和 4 GB 內存
# 打開端口 9200
# Step-1 : 更新系統包
sudo apt update
# Step-2 : 安裝 apt-transport-https 包以通過 HTTPS 訪問存儲庫
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
# Step-3 : 在 Ubuntu 上安裝 OpenJDK
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
#--<驗證java版本 : 輸出>---
# openjdk 2022-02-08
# OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
# OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build, mixed mode, sharing)
java --version
# Step-4 : 設置JAVA_HOME環境變量
sudo nano /etc/environment
# JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"
source /etc/environment
##4:驗證 JAVA_HOME 變量 => 輸出:/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
# Sreo-5 : 安裝 ElasticSearch 8
wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg
##2.將存儲庫定義保存到 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg] https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/8.x/apt stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
##3. 下命令安裝 Elasticsearch
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
##4. Start elacticsearch services
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
##5. Enable elacticsearch at system startup
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
##6. To check the status of elasticsearch
sudo systemctl status elasticsearch
##----<< Output: >>------------------------------------------------------------------
elasticsearch.service - Elasticsearch
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-04-21 06:57:31 UTC; 9s ago
Docs: https://www.elastic.co
Main PID: 17266 (java)
Tasks: 68 (limit: 4693)
Memory: 2.3G
CGroup: /system.slice/elasticsearch.service
├─17266 /usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk/bin/java -Xshare:auto -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60 -Des.networkaddress.cache.neg>
└─17539 /usr/share/elasticsearch/modules/x-pack-ml/platform/linux-x86_64/bin/controller
Apr 21 06:57:12 ip-172-31-4-2 systemd[1]: Starting Elasticsearch...
Apr 21 06:57:31 ip-172-31-4-2 systemd[1]: Started Elasticsearch.
# Step-6 : 配置 Elasticsearch
##1. 更改配置文件
sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
# ...Network
discovery.seed_hosts: [ ]
xpack.security.enabled: false
# Step-7 : 訪問 ElasticSearch
curl -X GET "localhost:9200"
# Step-8 : 卸載 Elasticsearch
# Install Arkime 4.2.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #
# https://arkime.com/downloads #
# #
# Arkime : #
# 以前稱為 Moloch)是一種大型、開源、索引 #
# 數據包捕獲和搜索工具 #
# #
sudo wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.molo.ch/builds/ubuntu-22.04/arkime_4.2.0-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./arkime_4.2.0-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo '/opt/arkime/bin/Configure'
Found interfaces: lo;ens33
Semicolon ';' seperated list of interfaces to monitor [eth1] ens33
Install Elasticsearch server locally for demo, must have at least 3G of memory, NOT recommended for production use (yes or no) [no] yes
Password to encrypt S2S and other things, don't use spaces [no-default] abcd1234
Arkime - Creating configuration files
Installing sample /opt/arkime/etc/config.ini
Arkime - Downloading and installing demo OSS version of Elasticsearch
--2023-03-15 11:45:58-- https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss-7.10.2-amd64.deb
正在查找主機 artifacts.elastic.co (artifacts.elastic.co)..., 2600:1901:0:1d7::
正在連接 artifacts.elastic.co (artifacts.elastic.co)||:443... 連上了。
已送出 HTTP 要求,正在等候回應... 200 OK
長度: 230801884 (220M) [application/octet-stream]
elasticsearch-oss-7.10.2-amd64.deb 100%[=================================================================================================>] 220.11M 9.05MB/s 於 22s
2023-03-15 11:46:22 (9.85 MB/s) - 已儲存 ‘elasticsearch-oss-7.10.2-amd64.deb’ [230801884/230801884]
選取了原先未選的套件 elasticsearch-oss。
dpkg: 關於包含 elasticsearch-oss 的 elasticsearch-oss-7.10.2-amd64.deb:
elasticsearch-oss 衝突於 elasticsearch
elasticsearch(版本 8.6.2)已存在且 安裝完畢。
dpkg: error processing archive elasticsearch-oss-7.10.2-amd64.deb (--install):
套件衝突 - 不會安裝 elasticsearch-oss
Arkime - Installing /etc/security/limits.d/99-arkime.conf to make core and memlock unlimited
Download GEO files? You'll need a MaxMind account https://arkime.com/faq#maxmind (yes or no) [yes] yes
Arkime - Downloading GEO files
2023-03-15 11:46:49 URL:https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ipv4-address-space.csv [23331/23331] -> "/tmp/tmp.5PdyEucg7C" [1]
2023-03-15 11:46:50 URL:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wireshark/wireshark/master/manuf [2111137/2111137] -> "/tmp/tmp.eG2qOG3aNe" [1]
Arkime - Configured - Now continue with step 4 in /opt/arkime/README.txt
4) The Configure script can install OpenSearch/Elasticsearch for you or you can install yourself
5) Initialize/Upgrade OpenSearch/Elasticsearch Arkime configuration
a) If this is the first install, or want to delete all data
/opt/arkime/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 init
b) If this is an update to an Arkime package
/opt/arkime/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 upgrade
6) Add an admin user if a new install or after an init
/opt/arkime/bin/arkime_add_user.sh admin "Admin User" THEPASSWORD --admin
7) Start everything
systemctl start arkimecapture.service
systemctl start arkimeviewer.service
8) Look at log files for errors
9) Visit http://arkimeHOST:8005 with your favorite browser.
user: admin
password: THEPASSWORD from step #6
If you want IP -> Geo/ASN to work, you need to setup a maxmind account and the geoipupdate program.
See https://arkime.com/faq#maxmind
Any configuration changes can be made to /opt/arkime/etc/config.ini
See https://arkime.com/faq#arkime-is-not-working for issues
Additional information can be found at:
* https://arkime.com/faq
* https://arkime.com/settings
# 4) ~ 9) 說明整理後得指令 如下
sudo /opt/arkime/db/db.pl init
sudo /opt/arkime/db/db.pl upgrade
sudo /opt/arkime/bin/arkime_add_user.sh admin "Admin User" abcd1234 --admin
sudo systemctl start arkimecapture.service
sudo systemctl start arkimeviewer.service
# 將現有的PCAP檔案Upload到Arkime
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 將/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini檔案中, uploadCommand 前的#取消
# -----------------------------------------------------------
sudo nano /opt/arkime/etc/config.ini
sudo systemctl status arkimecapture.service arkimeviewer.service
sudo systemctl restart arkimecapture.service arkimeviewer.service
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
sudo systemctl status elasticsearch
sudo systemctl start arkimecapture.service
sudo systemctl start arkimeviewer.service
sudo systemctl status arkimecapture.service arkimeviewer.service
sudo systemctl restart arkimecapture.service arkimeviewer.service
# http://arkimeHOST:8005
# Wireshark 安裝使用 for ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wireshark
### Arkime/db/db.pl 可執行的功能
# db.pl
## 如何重置 Arkime
# 1.讓 OpenSearch/Elasticsearch 保持運行。
# 2.關閉所有正在運行的查看器或捕獲進程,以便不記錄新數據。
# 3.要刪除存儲在 OpenSearch/Elasticsearch 中的所有 SPI 數據,
# 請使用 db.pl帶有init或 wipe命令的腳本。這兩個命令之間的
# 唯一區別是wipe保留已添加的用戶,這樣他們就不需要重新添加。
sudo /opt/arkime/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 wipe
## 4. 刪除 PCAP 文件。PCAP 文件以原始格式存儲在文件系統中。
# 您需要在所有捕獲機器上執行此操作。
sudo /bin/rm -f /opt/arkime/raw/*
## 如何啟用 OpenSearch/Elasticsearch 複製
# 打開復制將消耗節點上兩倍的磁盤空間並增加節點之間的網絡帶寬,因此請確保您確實需要復制。
# a) 要更改未來的日期,請運行以下命令:
sudo db/db.pl <http://ESHOST:9200> upgrade --replicas 1
# b) 要更改過去的日期而不是當前的日期,請運行以下命令:
# PS:我們推薦第二種方案,因為它允許將當前流量寫入
# OpenSearch/Elasticsearch 一次,並且在非高峰
# 期間將復制前一天的流量。
db/db.pl <http://ESHOST:9200> expire <type> <num> --replicas 1
> sudo /data/moloch/db/db.pl
#==<< 指令說明 >>====
/opt/arkime/db/db.pl [Global Options] <ESHOST:ESPORT> <command> [<command arguments>]
Global Options:
-v - Verbose, multiple increases level
--prefix <prefix> - Prefix for OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index names
--clientkey <keypath> - Path to key for client authentication. Must not have a passphrase.
--clientcert <certpath> - Path to cert for client authentication
--insecure - Disable certificate verification for https calls
-n - Make no db changes
--timeout <timeout> - Timeout in seconds for ES, default 60
--esuser <user>[:<password>] - ES User and Password
--esapikey <key> - Same key as elasticsearchAPIKey in your Arkime config file
General Commands:
info - Information about the Arkime cluster
repair - Try and repair a corrupted Arkime cluster
init [<init opts>] - Delete ALL previous OpenSearch/Elasticsearch Arkime data and create the mappings
--shards <shards> - Number of shards for sessions, default is the number of data nodes
--replicas <num> - Number of replicas for sessions, default 0
--refresh <num> - Number of seconds the sessions indices use for refresh interval, default 60
--shardsPerNode <shards> - Number of shards per node or use "null" to let OpenSearch/Elasticsearch decide, default shards*replicas/nodes
--hotwarm - Set 'hot' for 'node.attr.molochtype' on new indices, warm on non sessions indices
--ilm - Use ilm (Elasticsearch) to manage
--ism - Use ism (OpenSearch) to manage
wipe [<init opts>] - Same as init, but leaves user index untouched (與 init 相同,但保持用戶索引不變)
upgrade [<init opts>] - Upgrade Arkime's mappings from a previous version or use to change settings
expire <type> <num> [<opts>] - Perform daily OpenSearch/Elasticsearch maintenance and optimize all indices, not needed with ILM
type - Same as rotateIndex in ini file = hourly,hourlyN,daily,weekly,monthly
num - Number of indices to keep
--replicas <num> - Number of replicas for older sessions indices, default 0
--nooptimize - Do not optimize session indices during this operation
--history <num> - Number of weeks of history to keep, default 13 (要保留的歷史週數,默認為 13)
--segments <num> - Number of segments to optimize sessions to, default 1
--segmentsmin <num> - Only optimize indices with at least <num> segments, default is <segments>
--reverse - Optimize from most recent to oldest
--shardsPerNode <shards> - Number of shards per node or use "null" to let OpenSearch/Elasticsearch decide, default shards*replicas/nodes
--warmafter <wafter> - Set molochwarm on indices after <wafter> <type>
--optmizewarm - Only optimize warm green indices
optimize - Optimize all Arkime indices in OpenSearch/Elasticsearch
--segments <num> - Number of segments to optimize sessions to, default 1
optimize-admin - Optimize only admin indices in OpenSearch/Elasticsearch, use with ILM
disable-users <days> - Disable user accounts that have not been active
days - Number of days of inactivity (integer)
set-shortcut <name> <userid> <file> [<opts>]
name - Name of the shortcut (no special characters except '_')
userid - UserId of the user to add the shortcut for
file - File that includes a comma or newline separated list of values
--type <type> - Type of shortcut = string, ip, number, default is string
--shareRoles <roles> - Share to roles (comma separated list of roles)
--shareUsers <users> - Share to specific users (comma seprated list of userIds)
--description <description>- Description of the shortcut
--locked - Whether the shortcut is locked and cannot be modified by the web interface
shrink <index> <node> <num> - Shrink a session index
index - The session index to shrink
node - The node to temporarily use for shrinking
num - Number of shards to shrink to
--shardsPerNode <shards> - Number of shards per node or use "null" to let OpenSearch/Elasticsearch decide, default 1
ilm <force> <delete> - Create ILM profile for Elasticsearch
force - Time in hours/days before (moving to warm) and force merge (number followed by h or d)
delete - Time in hours/days before deleting index (number followed by h or d)
--hotwarm - Set 'hot' for 'node.attr.molochtype' on new indices, warm on non sessions indices
--segments <num> - Number of segments to optimize sessions to, default 1
--replicas <num> - Number of replicas for older sessions indices, default 0
--history <num> - Number of weeks of history to keep, default 13
ism <force> <delete> - Create ISM profile for OpenSearch
Same options as ilm command above
reindex <src> [<dst>] - Reindex OpenSearch/Elasticsearch indices
--nopcap - Remove fields having to do with pcap files
Backup and Restore Commands:
backup <basename> <opts> - Backup everything but sessions/history; filenames created start with <basename>
--gz - GZip the files
restore <basename> [<opts>] - Restore everything but sessions/history; filenames restored from start with <basename>
--skipupgradeall - Do not upgrade Sessions
export <index> <basename> - Save a single index into a file, filename starts with <basename>
import <filename> - Import single index from <filename>
users-export <filename> - Save the users info to <filename>
users-import <filename> - Load the users info from <filename>
File Commands:
mv <old fn> <new fn> - Move a pcap file in the database (doesn't change disk)
rm <fn> - Remove a pcap file in the database (doesn't change disk)
rm-missing <node> - Remove from db any MISSING files on THIS machine for the named node
add-missing <node> <dir> - Add to db any MISSING files on THIS machine for named node and directory
sync-files <nodes> <dirs> - Add/Remove in db any MISSING files on THIS machine for named node(s) and directory(s), both comma separated
Field Commands:
field disable <exp> - Disable a field from being indexed
field enable <exp> - Enable a field from being indexed
Node Commands:
rm-node <node> - Remove from db all data for node (doesn't change disk)
add-alias <node> <hostname> - Adds a hidden node that points to hostname
hide-node <node> - Hide node in stats display
unhide-node <node> - Unhide node in stats display
OpenSearch/Elasticsearch maintenance
set-replicas <pat> <num> - Set the number of replicas for index pattern
set-shards-per-node <pat> <num> - Set the number of shards per node for index pattern
set-allocation-enable <mode> - Set the allocation mode (all, primaries, new_primaries, none, null)
allocate-empty <node> <index> <shard> - Allocate a empty shard on a node, DATA LOSS!
unflood-stage <pat> - Mark index pattern as no longer flooded
### ${install_dir}/bin/capture 可執行的功能
# capture
> sudo /opt/arkime/bin/capture -h
#==<< 指令說明 >>====
capture [OPTION?] - capture
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-c, --config Config file name, default '/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini' (配置文件名,默認'/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini')
-r, --pcapfile Offline pcap file (離線pcap文件)
-R, --pcapdir Offline pcap directory, all *.pcap files will be processed (離線pcap目錄,所有*.pcap文件都會被處理)
-m, --monitor Used with -R option monitors the directory for closed files (與 -R 選項一起使用監視關閉文件的目錄)
--packetcnt Number of packets to read from each offline file (從每個離線文件中讀取的數據包數)
--delete In offline mode delete files once processed, requires --copy (在離線模式下刪除處理後的文件,需要--copy)
-s, --skip Used with -R option and without --copy, skip files already processed (與 -R 選項一起使用,不與 --copy 一起使用,跳過已處理的文件)
--reprocess In offline mode reprocess files, use the same files table entry (在離線模式下重新處理文件,使用相同的文件表條目)
--recursive When in offline pcap directory mode, recurse sub directories (在離線 pcap 目錄模式下,遞歸子目錄)
-n, --node Our node name, defaults to hostname. Multiple nodes can run on same host (我們的節點名稱,默認為主機名。 多個節點可以在同一主機上運行)
--host Override hostname, this is what remote viewers will use to connect (覆蓋主機名,這是遠程查看器將用來連接的主機名)
-t, --tag Extra tag to add to all packets, can be used multiple times (添加到所有數據包的額外標籤,可以多次使用)
-F, --filelist File that has a list of pcap file names, 1 per line (包含 pcap 文件名列表的文件,每行 1 個)
--op FieldExpr=Value to set on all session, can be used multiple times (FieldExpr=設置所有會話的值,可以多次使用)
-o, --option Key=Value to override config.ini (Key=Value 覆蓋 config.ini)
-v, --version Show version number (顯示版本號)
-d, --debug Turn on all debugging (打開所有調試)
-q, --quiet Turn off regular logging (關閉常規日誌記錄)
--copy When in offline mode copy the pcap files into the pcapDir from the config file (在離線模式下將 pcap 文件從配置文件複製到 pcapDir)
--dryrun dry run, nothing written to databases or filesystem (空運行,沒有寫入數據庫或文件系統)
--flush In offline mode flush streams between files (在離線模式下刷新文件之間的流)
--insecure Disable certificate verification for https calls (禁用 https 調用的證書驗證)
--nolockpcap Don't lock offline pcap files (ie., allow deletion) (不要鎖定脫機 pcap 文件(即允許刪除)